How to Design an attractive website or blog?

In today's world, the internet world is one of the largest system in every field wheather it is education field, Gaming field etc. Website is the main role on internet world. After every one seconds there is 4 websites get launched daily. Some peoples makes website for PERSONAL USE and some peoples makes for BUSINESS PURPOSE. Website can be a good source of INCOME. Some of the world wide famous website are GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, AMAZON, YAHOO, AOL etc. All these sites have unique working system. The main part of a website is information. On the other hand, LOOK or DESIGN is also another important part of a website because DESIGN attract the visitors to the website. Many peoples asked me that how to make website attractive. So i decided to write some important information regarding this matter.

Important Information Regarding WEBSITE DESIGN:-


The first important part before making any website is "NAME OF WEBSITE". Your website name must match with your information given too your website. Suppose if you want to make a TECH BLOG then thw name must be related or match with the content of website.


Homepage provide as much important information about the site as possible, in a clear, appealing, succinct way. So homepage must be well designed according to your blog contents.


A web page is an electronic document written in a computer language called HTML. Web Pages can contain text, graphic, video, animation and sound, as well as interactive features such as data entry forms. If you are making a website then you must have PRIVACY POLICY PAGE, CONTACT PAGE & ABOUT PAGE. These are important and compulsory web pages of website because it is easy to index your site for search engines.


Theme is the important role in the website. A website design is mainly depend upon the theme. Theme of website must be compatible with the site contents. Suppose if you are making any Technology based site then theme will also be matched with the Technology concept. So must have a premium theme for better attraction.


Heading must be well written according to content information. Suppose if you are writing any information about PHONE features then heading will be matched with the information.

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